May 4, 2020 | APEX, Episode 2
The fabe team is building an app to help people stop climate change and human-caused extinctions by following a new 3Rs for the 21st century: reduce consumption, rescue species, and reconnect with nature. The team is all volunteer and distributed across the globe. We...
May 4, 2020 | APEX, Episode 2
Time to validate your APEX validation processes: Are you always validating client side and server side? Are you using the most efficient validation options? Are you up to speed on interactive grid validation options, single and multi-row? Are your validations firing...
May 4, 2020 | APEX, Episode 2
Part of the Oracle database since Oracle8, Oracle have discontinued Oracle Multimedia as of Oracle 19c. This leaves existing customers with a dilemma, either keep their multimedia on 18c and put off the inevitable for as long as possible, or find another solution for...
May 4, 2020 | APEX, Episode 2
Every Oracle release new features are introduced, but when to use them?In this presentation we are not diving deep into one specific feature but make use of a few to implement a payment interface with Oracle APEX.You will see everything you need to know to build an...
Mar 31, 2020 | APEX, Episode 1
The classic report is on of the APEX components that are a bit undervalued. After a short introduction into the available templates and options we’ll quickly dive into more advanced options. The session will introduce concepts for creating highly adjustable reports...
Mar 31, 2020 | APEX, Episode 1
My philosophy is you want to stay as close as possible to standard APEX components. But sometimes from an end-user perspective, it would make a lot more sense and be more user-friendly if the page looks a bit different.In this session, I will demonstrate a few...
Mar 31, 2020 | APEX, Episode 1
We all make mistakes. Making mistakes is an opportunity to learn. But as a first step you have to recognise the mistakes you made.If you don’t, those mistakes might evolve into a practice. A bad practice.But you can also learn from someone else’s mistakes. And that is...
Mar 31, 2020 | APEX, Episode 1
A fast-paced session with lots of useful APEX tips and tricks. You might already be aware of some, but I can guarantee that there will be new things for everyone.This won’t only be a slide fest; there will be many demos and enough time for questions. Speaker: Peter...