Niall Mc Phillips: Long Live Multimedia with APEX and REST!

Part of the Oracle database since Oracle8, Oracle have discontinued Oracle Multimedia as of Oracle 19c. This leaves existing customers with a dilemma, either keep their multimedia on 18c and put off the inevitable for as long as possible, or find another solution for...

Roel Hartman: APEX Bad Practices

We all make mistakes. Making mistakes is an opportunity to learn. But as a first step you have to recognise the mistakes you made.If you don’t, those mistakes might evolve into a practice. A bad practice.But you can also learn from someone else’s mistakes. And that is...

Peter Raganitsch: 45 APEX Tips in 45 minutes

A fast-paced session with lots of useful APEX tips and tricks. You might already be aware of some, but I can guarantee that there will be new things for everyone.This won’t only be a slide fest; there will be many demos and enough time for questions. Speaker: Peter...