May 5, 2020 | Database, Episode 2
Is it a no-brainer for a DBA to prevent unwanted connections to an Oracle database ?In the form of a discussion, Martin and Flora address important organizational and technical issues regarding this topic.How to grasp the business needs concerning access policies ?...
May 5, 2020 | Database, Episode 2
Today, the choice of the database technology is in the hands of the developers, and Open Source alternatives look appealing. Many talks and papers show the growing features of MySQL or PostgreSQL, which competes with the commercial RDBMS. But do not forget the core...
May 5, 2020 | Database, Episode 2
When you write SQL, Oracle runs it through the Optimiser to determine the fastest way to access the data.This access path sometimes changes without anyone noticing.Sometimes it’s faster.Sometimes it’s slower. Dramatically, catastrophically slower.Why doesn’t Oracle...
May 5, 2020 | Database, Episode 2
The result of a parse operation is a parent cursor and a child cursor stored in the library cache. Obviously, the aim of storing them in a shared memory area is to allow their reutilization and thereby avoid hard parses. But when can they be reused?The aim of this...